What were you doing when you were eleven years old? Maybe getting to school, playing with friends in the play grounds or parks, doing your home works or spending time with your X Box or Play Stations. But Reuben Paul, an Indian origin 11 year old boy from United States of America, has stunned many security experts by hacking their Bluetooth gears to control a teddy bear! Yes you heard it right!

At such a tender age of life, he proved a very important point at a cyber security council meeting in Netherlands. Already being touted as a “Cyber Ninja”, the little man with not so little ambitions has shown that smart toys used by kids can be hacked and used as a weapon.
This was something even the greatest of Cyber security officers must have never thought of, but if thought deeply, this is a serious question raised by Reuben.
According to the report, Reuben Paul successfully managed to connect to several devices in the hall over their open Bluetooth credentials, to the amazement of everyone in the room. He even managed to break into Bluetooth enabled devices of some senior security officials in the hall.
Paul then proceeded to hack into his Internet-connected teddy bear via one of the Bluetooth devices to mess around with its lights and transfer a recorded message from the audience through to the bear. He absolutely mesmerized the audience who were in the arena.
With the “WannaCry” ransomeware hitting the world like a storm and creating a havoc amongst many, this youngster is teaching the world some basic know hows of how to protect yourself from some unwanted viruses.
Reuben was invited to join the Ground Zero summit a couple of years ago, which was one of the biggest cyber security meetings conducted in recent times. Back then, a 9 year old Reuben said “With great hacking skills you get power, and with great power comes great responsibility,” quoting his hero, Spider-Man.