We all live in a society where people do not want to talk about the LGBTQ community. But living in such a society, very few people move forward and create their own identity by adopting the LGBTQ identity. One name in this is Ria Sharma. Today, Ria is an LGBTQ youth activist and motivational speaker. Since childhood, Ria has faced many challenges in accepting her identity. A big result of this has come to the fore: today she has reached a stage where she does not have to struggle for her identity.
Since childhood, Ria has not liked to live like a girl. She often used to dress like a boy, and Ria had nothing to do with dressing up. But at that time, it was very difficult for Ria to accept that she was a lesbian. Since childhood, Ria has not liked girls’ games or tricks. She always played boys’ games. The same place where her friends used to have boyfriends during their school days. At that time, she used to like spending time with girls. Apart from this, Ria often started saving with her father in her childhood. At that time, Riya’s family felt that this was Ria’s childhood and she would get better with time. But she could not understand why this was happening to her.

There was a fear of society.
Ria Sharma’s story is very inspiring for all those people in today’s time, especially those who come from the IGBTQ community and are not able to accept their identity. Ria felt that this had been going wrong since childhood. These things had settled in their minds: they like girls and not boys; this is very wrong, and they are bad. If society or her family members come to know about this, then they will all consider her very wrong. Ria was often scared of these things, and she could not tell anyone about them. Once, Ria shared these things with one of her friends. After this, she became even more dejected. Ria’s friend told her that such people are very bad and that society can never accept them. After this, Ria realized that she could not share her identity with anyone.
After this, Ria felt that she could not express her feelings to anyone. By this time, Ria started feeling that she was the only one who was a lesbian or that there were other such people in the world. Until this time, Ria did not have any friends. Some old friends also started ignoring Ria after knowing her reality. Then Ria created her own account on social media. Then Ria started feeling that she could talk to people there. After this, Ria started searching for all those people who would listen and understand her well. After this, Ria started talking with some girls. After some time, Ria started trusting the girls a lot. After this, those girls asked Ria for some of her pictures, which Ria gave them. After some time, there were demands for more photos from Ria, and she was told that if she did not send more photos, then her old photos would be leaked along with her identity. By this time, Ria had started getting very worried. After this, she was not able to understand at all what Ria had to do. The time after this became quite challenging for Ria. Now Ria did not talk to anyone, and she was beginning to wonder what to do next.
After this, the time came in Ria’s life that she started reading and understanding about people like her. After this, Ria started going to college. During her college days, she met a professor who was talking about IGBTQ during her lecture. After this, Ria went to her professor and told her, “Mam, I am a lesbian.” After this, Ria started crying a lot. After this, ma’am said that you should tell your family that I am there; nothing will happen. Just tell your family.
Mom and dad supported
After listening to the teacher, Ria gathered courage and made up her mind to tell her parents. After this, when Ria was sitting on the sofa and crying a lot, her parents came there. They asked Ria what happened. Then Ria started crying louder and said that I am a lesbian. Then her parents asked what happened. If you are a lesbian, you are my daughter and a very good one. After this, Ria gained a different kind of courage. Ria was not worried about the world; she just wanted to do something big in her life.
After this, Riya’s life changed a lot. After this, Riya has learned to trust herself. After this day, she never cried. After this, Riya learned that now she can proudly tell anyone that she is a lesbian. After this, she started working on social media. Today, Riya is an LGBTQ youth activist and teaches people to live with their own identity. If you want to hear these things from Riya, then visit Josh Talks’ YouTube channel now.
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