Russian Govt urges citizens not to have sex with foreign football fans arriving in Fifa world cup

The football fever has just started as all the supporters are geared up for the FIFA World Cup that sparks from today. The tournament is hosted by Russia and the senior lawmaker of the country has some serious news for the women ahead of the World Cup.

The chariman of a Russian parliamentary committee has urged the citizens not to have sex with foreign supporters who are arriving for the captivating tournament. Tamara Pletnyova, who is at the helm of the Family, Women and Children Affairs committee in the lower house of parliament, recently told the Govorit Moskva radio station that such practices would result to single parent families.

Credits: Hindustan Times

“There will be girls who meet men, and then they will give birth. Maybe they will get married, maybe they won’t. But the kids will suffer, just like they suffered [after the 1980 Mosco Olympics],” she added.

Ms Pletnyova claimed her statements were not motivated by nationalism, but stressed the fact it was better if children were born from parents of the same race. “These children suffer and have suffered, even since Soviet times,” she added.

“It is one thing if the parents are of the same race; quite another if they are of different races. We should give birth to our own children. I’m not a nationalist, but nonetheless. I know that the children suffer as well, and then they are abandoned and stay here with the mother.

She said that even if Russian women tie knot to their foreign partners, they could end up living abroad with their spouses and have no clue how to come back home.

“Then they come to me at the committee and cry that the child was taken away, removed, and so forth. I would like people to get married based on love in our country, regardless of which ethnicity, [to] Russian citizens who would build a good family, live in harmony, have children, and raise them.”

Russia has the largest HIV epidemic in Europe, and the highest rates of increase in the world, a study tells. More than half of new HIV infections in Russia occur through heterosexual sex. It is learnt that more than 2 million tickets have been sold.