The incident has come to light just a day after an image went viral on social media, in which JNU students wrote ‘Brahmin, Quit India’ on the walls of the JNU campus. JNU students have been protesting against hostel fees hike for more than 20 days and now they are protesting through objectionable message. They painted anti-Brahmin messages on walls inside the JNU campus.
What would happen if Dalit or Muslim was written in this slogan instead of Brahmin? Many Liberals and secular people would have been spreading poison on social media by writing ‘cool’ things like ‘Not my India’ (this cannot be my India). But in this case, where objectionable messages are being written against Brahmin, everyone is sitting quietly. No one is coming forward to raise their voice in favor of Brahmin. But whoever has done this impudence, needs to introspect. Such hateful acts should not be part of the protests.

Today you are writing something against a particular community, what if someone tomorrow writes against your community. This may lead to violence in society and everyone will fight for caste and religion which should never happen.
It is fine If they are protesting for their rights. But this is not fair to protest against a community that is never a part of your protest. No one has the right to write such an objectionable message about any other community inside the premises of JNU.
Recently, JNU students stopped scientist Anand Ranganathan from entering the lab of his own department. They also misbehaved with him. Due to student protests, JNU Dean Umesh Kadam’s health got deteriorated. After which he was taken to the hospital. But students continued their protest and girls tried to tear the clothes of a female professor. Students even misbehaved with the female journalist. On top of that, unknown students at JNU vandalized and defaced Swami Vivekananda’s statue. The statue was planned to be unveiled in January next year. However, the investigation is under progress so that cops can take a decision whether to file a case.