Nun ignores her religious teachings, becomes a professional adult star

A 22-year-old woman hogged the limelight on social media for a complete career turn. Her name is Yudi Pineda. For more than 8 years in a convent learning, she trained how to become a nun. But, things didn’t execute well for her and today, she is now a professional pornstar.

Yudi Pineda hails from Ituango, Columbia and was attracted to the church and religious beliefs at a very young age. But now, she turned her career upside down as she spends her time making adult movies, as reported by LadBible.

Credits: YouTube

“I went to Uraba and I was at school when nuns came to visit us, and I knew then that I wanted to do that,” she told the website.

When she was 10 years old, she joined a convent where she spent more than 8 years in training how to become a nun. Well, despite her immense love and affection for the church and its religious teachings, her liking for her religious teacher made her search a job somewhere else.

When she began working for Nestle in Medellin, she stumbled upon Juan Busto, a man who was hiring for adult webcam models. That’s when Yudi made up her mind for a 180-degree career change.

“At first I was feeling bad. But now I am fine with it. I also feel good when I go to church. I never miss Friday prayers, Saturday meetings or Sunday mass,” said Yudi.

She said adding that her priest at the beginning tried talking her out of her new profession but she didn’t pay attention to him as she went ahead with the decision to become a professional adult start.

On switching her career choice, Yudi describes her work as ‘artistic’ as she feels that there is ‘nothing bad about it’.