It has been a tough time for Mumbai citizens as heavy showers continue to trouble the city. In the process, waterlogging paralysed normal life. The severe effects of monsoon were witnessed when five people were injured on Tuesday morning after a section of a 40-year-old bridge collapsed around 7.30 am at Mumbai’s Andheri station.
Students also faced too many problems as they couldn’t attend the exam as heavy showers caused waterlogging in their areas. Mumbai University is well aware of all these problems faced by the students, so the university has decided to re-conduct the examination for the students who missed it. The university will announce the time-table soon.

“Re-examination will be held for the students who couldn’t reach for various examinations of the University of Mumbai due to waterlogging at various places and collapse of a bridge in Andheri. The timetable will be announced soon,” said Vinod Malale, deputy registrar, Public Relations.