Chennai Police jumps out of moving train to prevent rape on woman in next coach

Policemen never cease to amaze us with incredible bravery attitude. They strive for the welfare of the people as they prioritize others’ safety first as they would appear at the right place at the right time when they find something suspicious. Even if they don’t know what they are dealing with, they think before they get into the grand scheme of things.

They are our real-life heroes who offer complete protection to the country. That sums up the essential police officers for you! People should forever be grateful to policemen. The cops of the society deserve much more than the title for risking their lives to rescue people for their timely acts.

RPF constable K Shivaji (Credits: Times of India Official Twitter handle)

The Incident:

In the latest bravery act, Railway Protection Force constable named K Shivaji who belongs to the city of Chennai jumped out of a moving train in a bid to prevent the rape bid on a 25-year-old woman. The cop appeared into the picture at the right time to rescue the victim from the drunken man, whom the cop got the better of him on Monday night on an MRTS train.

The 26 year old accused- Mohan  (Name changed), was later arrested by the Government Railway Police, before a court sent him to jail. RPF constable Shivaji and subinspector S Subbiah who were put together as night patrol squad were travelling on a train from Velachery to Chennai Beach but came across an unusual sound of a woman from the adjacent coach at around 11.45 pm just as when the train left the Chintadripet station.

Since MRTS trains don’t have vestibule facility where passengers of one coach can get into another coach, Shivaji waited till the train decelerated before Park Town, the next halt. Even as the train was moving slowly on to the platform, the constable sprung into a heroic act as he jumped out and rushed to the adjacent coach to rescue the woman and to overpower culprit, as the latter was trying to assault the woman.

The other members of Shivaji’s night patrol squad arrived to check whether the woman was alright. Unfortunately, they found the woman unconscious at the worst scene as her lips were bleeding and her clothes had been torn. They took the victim on the ambulance immediately to admit her to the nearby Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, where doctors confirmed her health condition was normal.

Government Railway Police personnel connected to the Chennai Egmore Railway Station booked Mohan for an attempt to rape. GRP head Pon Manickavel met the victim in hospital and said that the woman notified him that constable Shivaji had rescued her life. “I have given a cash reward of INR 5,000 for the services of the RPF,” said IGP Manickavel.