Guy asks ChatGPT to give 50 random roasting insults, he got unexpected response!

ChatGPT is nothing but an AI language model developed by OpenAI, which uses the GPT architecture. It is trained on a vast corpus of text data and basically, it can generate human-like responses to several prompts or questions in natural language.

As an AI language model, the AI language model is capable of understanding the context and nuances of human language, thus making it a useful tool for a wide range of applications like the chatbots, virtual assistants, language translation, and content creation.

To be price, ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can converse with users in natural language, providing useful and helpful responses to their questions or engaging them in conversation. ChatGPT has well and truly made things much easier for people who are looking for solutions online.

It is worth mentioning here that ChatGPT is constantly learning and updating its knowledge, making it more accurate with the latest information.

Guy asks ChatGPT to give 50 random roasting insults, he got unexpected response!

Although it is being used for educational purpose and other important activities, a guy asked ChatGPT to give 50 random roasting insults and to which, he got unexpected response.

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