Friend dies live while dancing to “Mai Hu Don” song in friend’s wedding

In an unexpected turn of events, a man suddenly collapsed while he was dancing during his friend’s wedding. During the big bash party, nobody came forward except for the groom’s friend who stole the spotlight as he put on a candid show on the stage.

He set the dance floor on fire when he danced to a “Mai Hu Don” song and the people were cheering for him right from the start and whistled at him to enjoy the very beautiful moment.

After some time, the man himself paused for a second and lost his balance and then fell on the floor. Soon after that, people surrounded him only to check him if he is alright.

They took him to a nearby hospital and the doctors declared dead where he was rushed for medical assistance. Groom and his friends, relatives who attended the wedding were in a state of shock over the death of the man who seemed to have died of ‘extreme happiness’.

This is indeed heart-breaking!