Kashmir is an integral part of India & will always be so till ‘we’ all Indians die. Anti-social-elements of India, who are trying to challenge the integrity of the nation, are traitors and shall never be pardoned. Vultures, pigs, donkeys, crows survive on fungus, shit, dead organisms etc. That is a balance act of the nature. Yet we shove them off.

But what about the people who have such a mean mindset regarding our beloved country INDIA? It is the imbalance of our society. Such people have sinister mindset and need to be severely punished. We cannot afford to apply Gandhian theory and believe in change of heart in them, at a time when paid forces are acting to break apart the country on instruction from outside masters. Undoubtedly, these elements can never dare to openly challenge the sovereignty of the country Indian campuses without helping hands from outside India.
What is being presented by our news channels to common Indians comes from blessings of foreign fund to Indian media. Media has to be neutral. They deliberately try to demonize the right wing by depicting them as violence creator for they beat up a few leftist students. But hold on, the same Indian media is completely silent on killings of right wing workers by leftists in Kerala.
What is happening in ‘JNU Delhi’ is most disgraceful as far as Indian Youth is concerned. Resorting to violence does not give credibility to the unjust cause. With the change of Government in center in many Indian universities suddenly youth groups of under developed, pervert or corrupt brains have mushroomed. One can not overlook the political angle in it.
India is beyond religion, caste, state etc. It is home to all. Now is the time we, the Indians, ask such people who are bent upon breaking India into pieces, socially & geographically.
“Are you INDIANS?”
“Do you belong to a nation, called INDIA?”
“Do you believe in INDIAN CONSTITUTION?”
If the answer is “YES” then stick to it and behave like a true Indian. If it is “NO”, please leave India and try your luck elsewhere.
Mind well no country shall accept such people who are separate nation breakers and they very well know this.
If such scoundrels do not have faith & regard for the India & its constitution, why should they be here?
All along the politicians ‘left or right’ have made mockery of Democracy. In the name of freedom of speech & expression our intelligentsia has run amok without realizing its after effects on the young minds & nation as a whole.
For every one of us, ‘India is first & Indian constitution our social religion’. Those who differ should think twice.
Demanding freedom for Kashmir & release of some traitors? Trying to give a blow to the unity among Indians from all religions, castes, states etc. is an unforgivable act. All kinds of traitors must be heavily punished so that no one would ever think of damaging, destroying INDIA from within.
Jai Hind!
(The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect The Youth)